Why give monthly to the Water Trust?

When two bodies of water, or tributaries, join together, they transform into something bigger and stronger. This is why we call our monthly donors Tributaries—people who come together to make our rivers stronger.

Why donate monthly?

  1. Smaller, monthly donations have just as big an impact on the Water Trust as a larger, year-end gift! Consistent donations help us to better budget and plan throughout the year, and help even out the lumpy, seasonal nature of typical non-profit funding.
  2. It’s easier for you! Setting up a monthly recurring donation means you don’t have to remember to make your donation each year. Plus, you get to join our amazing Tributary community and have access to special events and other perks throughout the year.

Signing up for a monthly gift is easy online at coloradowatertrust.org/donate!

Here’s what a few of our Tributaries had to say about why they support the Water Trust all year long:

john carron

Rivers are truly the lifeblood of the West. Approximately 80% of all species in the Rocky Mountains rely on riparian habitat for some part of their lives. Healthy waters means healthy ecosystems, and healthy ecosystems are good for all Coloradans. I like having rivers in mind every month of the year, and this is one way to keep river protection “present” in my thoughts.
-John Carron, CWT Board Member & Monthly Donor


“The success the Water Trust has had building long-term relationships between the agricultural and environmental communities is inspiring. These two communities have historically been at odds in the West, but the Water Trust has gained a stellar reputation in both. Every day, it continues to show how successes in one community can also be successes for the other. Restoring flows to Colorado is something I care about deeply and being a Tributary allows me to put that care into tangible action.”
-Josh Boissevain, CWT Staff Attorney & Monthly Donor


dana hatelid“I donate monthly because I believe it’s important to give back to the rivers in my backyard that help sustain my home and the beautiful environment that surrounds me.”
-Dana Hatlelid, CWT Deputy Director & Monthly Donor



weinig“Monthly donations from Tributary supporters provide the Trust with a reliable, highly flexible source of funding that allows them to react quickly to opportunities to further its mission.”
-Brad Weinig, CWT Board Member & Monthly Donor



megan begley“I love how the Water Trust works within the existing system to return real, wet water to rivers today AND works toward solutions to restore even more water to rivers in the future. As a consumer of water in a state with such limited water resources, it only makes sense to give back to our rivers. By being a Tributary, I can balance my water use and give back to the rivers that provide me with water.”
-Megan Begley, Monthly Donor


dick wolfe“Continuously flowing streams require programs like those of the Colorado Water Trust, which could not exist without a continuous supply of funding. Setting up a monthly donation is an excellent way to support this success!
-Dick Wolfe, CWT Board Member & Monthly Donor



“I’m a part of the Tributary community because I love staying connected to the Water Trust staff and others in the community who care about healthy, local streams.”
-Alyson Gould, Monthly Donor



We hope you’ll considering signing up for a monthly gift to the Water Trust today! And, as a way to express our gratitude, all new and existing Tributaries will be entered to win a new Yeti cooler—what’s not to love?